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10 safety rules of using refrigerator

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Date 2021-07-28 Readnum 1559

1. Remove foreign substances or soil from vegetables to store in a refrigerator

2. Wash your hands clean to touch food in a refrigerator

3. Check storage methods of food before you store them

4. Please put tofu, canned food, etc. in airtight containers after opening and eat them as soon as possible

5. Reheat the leftovers and cool them to store in a refrigerator

6. Reheat food in the fridge for at least 3 minutes at 70˚C to eat

7. Defrost frozen food in a fridge or a microwave oven

8. Keep the temperature of a refrigerator to 5 ˚C and a freezer to -18 ˚C

9. Use less than 70% of a refrigerator capacity

10. Clean a refrigerator at least once a month

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