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Foreigner Info

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Recruitment of representatives of the 2nd Busan foreign resident representative meeting

What's New 게시판 읽기
Date 2021-02-24 Readnum 1649

Volume of recruitment : about 15 people(foreign workermarried immigrantinternational studentoverseas Koreannaturalized citizen, etc.)

Only those who have completed the registration of foreigners under the Immigration Control Act of Republic of Korea and those who speak Korean.

Qualifications  Must meet both of the following

O As of the day before the date of public announcement, foreign residents aged 18 or older(foreign workermarried immigrantinternational studentoverseas Korean) who have continuously lived in Korea for at least one year and lived in Busan for more than 90 days.

O A person recommended by at least 10 local/foreign residents(aged 18 or older) or a person recommended by institutions and facilities related to foreign support(non-profit organizationlegal organizationpublic institution, etc.)

Required documents

Application form and a letter of self-introduction

Letter of recommendation(select 1 of an official of institutions and facilities related to foreign support, or the joint signature of at least 10 local or foreign residents aged 18 or older)

Qualification certificate

Certificate of foreigner registration(basic certificate for naturalized citizens)

A copy of the residence card


Application period : From Feb 22(Mon), 2021 to 18:00 on Mar 13(Sat)

Reception : Global Citizens Cooperation team of BFIC

Application method : E-mail, registered mail or visit

- E-Mail : bfic.globalcitizen@gmail.com

- Registered mail or visit : ()47606 부산광역시 연제구 중앙대로 1000 13, 부산국제교류재단 세계시민협력팀

For downloading the application form and detailed information, please refer to announcement of BFIC homepage


[Additional registration] BFIC Korean class
Part of the Labor law will be changed in 2021