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Part of the Labor law will be changed in 2021

What's New 게시판 읽기
Date 2021-02-24 Readnum 1521

1) 2021 minimum wage is 8,720 won, up 1.5% from 8,590 won Last year.

2) Companies with 30 employees or more have to make the holidays as paid holidays from 2021.

3) Reasons for allowing shorter working hours will be expanded from pregnancy and childcare to family care, one’s health, academic studies, retirement preparation, etc. at workplaces with 30 employees or more from 2021. It will take effect on Jan 1, 2022 at workplaces with less than 30 people.

4) The guidance period of the existing 52-hour work week at workplaces with 50~299 employees has ended. Therefore this system will be implemented from 2021 and from Jul 1, 2021 for workplaces with 5~49 employees.

5~29 employees : An additional 8 hours per week can be extended by a written agreement with the representative of workers from Jul 1, 2021 until Dec 31, 2022(40 hours of basic work per week + 12 hours of overtime work per week + 8 hours of extra work per week = 60 hours per week)

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