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Information on registration of BFIC Korean Class in 2021

What's New 게시판 읽기
Date 2021-02-03 Readnum 1900

Target : Foreign residents in Busan  *Long-term visa holder for more than 90 days

Method : Offline + Online classes  *Face-to-face classes according to COVID-19 related Busan City guidelines + Online classes

Place : Busan Global Center

Schedule :

- Class application : Feb 15(Mon)~Feb21(Sun), 09:00~24:00


- Class schedule

 *1st and 2nd semesters of Regular course(Beginner class / GA~LA) : Mar 2(Tue)~Jul 8(Thu), Mon~Fri, 18 weeks

 *1st semester of Special course(Intermediate class / TOPIK 2, K-Culture) : Mar 5(Fri)~May 8(Sat), Fri~Sat, 10 weeks


- Application method

[STEP 1] Level test

Sejonghakdang homepage  *You can take the level test after signing up


[STEP 2] Class application

Korean Class homepage(koreanclass.bfic.kr)

[STEP 3] Class assignment

Grading and class assignment

[STEP 4] Class registration

Announcement of the list of students


- Inquiry : 1577-7716

You can check the detailed information on Busan Foundation for International Cooperation website.

Online KIIP briefing session
One person per household get tested