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Guidance of driving license acquisition

What's New 게시판 읽기
Date 2020-08-11 Readnum 3635

1. Traffic safety education before taking the test

Mandatory video watching education related to traffic safety

- Preparations : ID card


2. Health check

Test is conducted in the physical examination room or designated hospital

- Preparations : ID card, two ID pictures taken within last 6 months(3.5 x 4.5cm)


3. Written exam

Test whether you have a general knowledge of road traffic before driving

<Apply for written exam>

- Preparations : ID card, application form with the health check result, 3 ID pictures taken within last 6 months(3.5 x 4.5cm)

- Languages available for the exam : Korean, English, Chinese, Vietnamese


4. Driving Course test

Test ability to handle driving situations with courses of the test site before going out on the road

- Preparations : ID card, application form

- Languages available for the test : Korean, English, Chinese

- Application : Online or on-site reservation


5. On-road driving test

Test driving ability by driving a randomly assigned one of 4 courses

<Apply for on-road driving test>

- Preparations : ID card, application form(attached a practice license)

- Languages available for the test : Korean, English

- Application : Online or on-site reservation


6. Getting a driver’s license

- Class 1, 2 general type : Those who pass the road driving test after obtaining a practice license

- Other types : Those who passed the driving course test

- Preparations : ID card, application form, 3 ID pictures taken within last 6 months(3.5 x 4.5cm)
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