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Notice of temporary suspension of KIIP education and assessment to prevent the spread of the novel coronavirus

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Date 2020-02-05 Readnum 2673

o Delay and cancellation of KIIP education course

- Temporary delay of education beginning until Feb 14, 2020

* Video education(Korea Immigration Service Foundation) is run.

- The education courses that already began are also temporarily closed.


o Cancellation of the 1st comprehensive assessment in 2020

- Cancellation of the 1st comprehensive assessment on Feb 8(Sat), 2020

- All the applicants of the 1st comprehensive assessment are automatically applied for the 2nd(Mar 7, 2020).

* The cost of the 1st comprehensive assessment is refundable by Feb 6(Thu).


o The schedule of education and the assessment will be notified according to KCDC’s response


Changes on the year-end tax settlement in 2020
Precautions against new Coronavirus