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Guide to the Rights and Support of Foreigner Victims of Crime (Thailand / Pakistan / Philippines)

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Date 2019-04-17 Readnum 3683
Attach (태국어)범죄피해 외국인 안내서_1.pdf
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(필리핀어)범죄피해 외국인 안내서_1.pdf

Guide to the Rights and Support of Foreigner Victims of Crime

If you are a victim of a crime, you have the following rights and you can receive assistance during investigation or trial.

◎ If you are concerned about being anxious or feeling tense during an investigation or trial, you may make someone you trust to accompany you, request an interpreter for communication, and participate directly in the trial to state your opinion on the case.
If you are a victim of crimes of sexual abuse or child abuse, you may be able to appoint an attorney to receive a legal assistance for criminal proceedings. If you do not have a lawyer, you may be assisted by a public defender who is selected by the prosecutor.
If you are a victim of crimes of family violence or child abuse, you may request the prosecutor or the police to take measures such as a restraining order against the perpetrator, or you may request the court to take measures to protect you directly.
If you do not receive reimbursement of damage from the perpetrator, you can receive financial support such as for medical expenses from the Prosecutor's Office after taking the proper screening. (However, in this case, the victim must have a legitimate resident status in Korea, and if the perpetrator is a foreigner, the victim must have completed alien registration in Korea.)
If you are a victim of family violence or sexual assault, you can apply for a permit to extend your stay until the investigation, trial, or remedy procedure ends. (However, in the case of family violence, your spouse must be a citizen of the Republic of Korea.)
In cases where criminal remedy proceedings are in progress with investigation of victims of crimes such as murder, injury, life or body damage, theft or fraud or similar property damage crimes and sex crimes, the government official in charge may not notify the Immigration Office of the victim’s personal information, even if the victim is an illegal alien.

※ For more information, please call the Victim Support Center at the Public Prosecutors' Office (☎ 1577-2584) or visit the Criminal Justice Portal site (www.kics.go.kr).
※ Please contact the prosecutor's office to inquire about the interpreting services when you want to call or visit for consultation. You may also contact your embassy or the Multicultural Family Support Center (☎1577-1366).

Guide on notification procedure of changes in a passport
Guide to the Rights and Support of Foreigner Victims of Crime (Uzbek / Indonesia / Cambodia)