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2019 health calendar

What's New 게시판 읽기
Date 2019-01-11 Readnum 2110

Jan: Check your lifestyle. Be careful in the cold, flu and fall.

Feb: Maintain the ideal indoor humidity and increase physical activities to prevent depression.

Mar: Take care of your health and prevent spring fever due to the great temperature difference.

Apr: Be careful of allergic diseases and the yellow dust.

May: Avoid insect bites and stings. Get vaccination against encephalitis.

Jun: Prevent eye diseases by washing hands.

Jul: Be careful of air-conditioningitis and an upset stomach caused by food poisoning.

Aug: Be careful of strong sunlight and heat.

Sep: Be careful of infection in autumn, particularly during the long Chuseok holidays.

Oct: Be careful in the cold during the change of seasons. Get the flu shots.

Nov: Check health through a check-up. Be careful of dry skin when you use a heater.

Dec: Be careful in drinking, falls, etc. Manage your chronic diseases.

Healthy life rules on fine dust
Drunk driving law